15 May 2010

Description of a face

The first thing that comes to my mind is her spot of meat laid down there in her left cheek, or was on the right side? , a quiet spot, does not bother her, nor either to whom see it. It is not inert but it has a calm personality, not so her turned-up nose, perfect, which I always envied it, but she does not like it because she says it has big hollows, and I would like to measure it with my fingers to verify its absurd size.

Her wide mouth, which surely was one of her greater attractiveness, it needs the delineated “heart” in the superior part, it is like a half oval that stretches itself when she drops an outburst of laughter. Her mouth did not lose the pink tone as she always feared because of the constant use of the lipstick, every time more and more.

She has one of the frontal teeth a little broken, I always noticed it, and nevertheless I never asked her what was what happened there, it is not one of those important defects, but it is one of those details that I watched without asking.

And her eyes… the thing with which she has seen to pass the world during 58 years, are bipolar amber color: with tears they become sad emerald, with intense light they are black gypsy, with good news they are illusion yellow; they are big of nature although she does not believe it and try to force their size with intense black delineated lines in the inferior eyelid and brown shades until almost arriving at the eyebrows, those weak lines that because of a long ago error happened to pass through the Gillette and never again recovered their genetic thickness.

Her glasses are part of her face, she always wears them, and they rest in her chest when she remains slept reading, they dim themselves while they wait until she leaves the shower, they request to be rescued when one, two, three and more times have been forgotten in the taxi, yes, she has at least two pairs, just in case.

Something I always envied of her is her front, is common to envy the forehead? I do not know, perhaps for someone like me, whose front measures with luck three fingers, yes maybe, (paternal inheritance) and it is not that I have a limited intelligence because of the small forehead, but I always needed space to have a decent fringe, to use the hair in several forms, borders to the right, to the left, topknot, tuft that cover the face a little … I am confined myself to the line up in the middle of my head or to throw the hair back in a useless tail. However her front is like a yard with enough space to play.

Wrinkles and crow’s feet are not her problem. Her face has not been wrinkled easily, perhaps her neck a little, but does not bother her, like any other women who with excess of foundation and neckerchiefs tied towards a side, try to hide his mature years. Her oval form of face has given her tenderness in her features, when smiling, her cheeks are sweet apples.

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